How to Migrate Your CS:GO Config to CS2

Counter-Strike offers players the freedom to customize game settings to their liking. Gamers meticulously fine-tune their configurations, aiming for perfection. As the release of CS2 approaches, it’s essential to transfer your CS:GO configuration to CS2.

In this guide, we’ll cover:

1. Locating Your CS:GO Config File
2. Finding the CS2 Config Directory
3. Solving Movement Issues in CS2
4. Activating Your CS:GO Config in CS2

Locating Your CS:GO Config File

Begin by copying your CS:GO configuration file, which can be found in your Steam folder for Steam games. The typical default path for CS:GO configuration is:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata\<YOUR STEAM ID>\730\local\cfg

In the CS:GO cfg folder, locate your configuration file. In this example, it’s named “prosettingsgg.cfg.” Copy this file to the folder containing CS2 configurations.

Finding the CS2 Configuration Directory

While CS2 is in beta, its configurations are still located in the CS:GO folder itself, not in the “userdata” directory. This might change in the future when the game is fully released. To access CS2 configurations, open the following folder:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Counter-Strike Global Offensive\game\csgo\cfg

Paste the copied CS:GO configuration file (e.g., “prosettingsgg.cfg”) into this CS2 folder.

Solving Movement Issues in CS2

If you simply copy-paste your CS:GO configuration into CS2, you may encounter issues with certain key binds because CS2 uses different code commands. This can lead to problems with player movement, mouse controls, and walking. To address this, create a separate .cfg file to adjust your CS:GO configuration. For instance, name it “move_prosettingsgg.cfg.” Open it with Notepad or any text editor and input the following commands:

bind “X_AXIS” “rightleft”
bind “Y_AXIS” “!forwardback”
bind “MOUSE_X” “yaw”
bind “MOUSE_Y” “pitch”
bind “U_AXIS” “yaw”
bind “R_AXIS” “pitch”
bind “a” “+left”
bind “s” “+back”
bind “d” “+right”
bind “w” “+forward”
bind “shift” “+sprint”

Save this CS2 configuration file in the same location as your other CS2 configurations, as described earlier. Your CS:GO configuration is now almost fully transferred to CS2; just one more step remains.

Activating Your CS:GO Configuration in CS2

To complete the migration of your CS:GO configuration to CS2, launch CS2 and open the console using the default “~” key. If nothing happens, ensure that the Developer Console is enabled in the game settings and check which key is assigned to open it in the control settings. You may also want to verify your keyboard language settings.

You’ll need to execute your CS:GO configuration using the “exec” command in the console. Simply paste the following command and press Enter to activate it:

exec prosettingsgg.cfg

Next, launch the bind-patch configuration in the same way. Since our configuration is named “move_prosettingsgg.cfg,” use the following command:

exec move_prosettingsgg.cfg

That’s it! Your CS:GO configuration has now been successfully transferred to CS2.

Alternatively, you can check and test the CSGO to CS2 Config Converter available here:

We would still recommend starting from scratch with the default CS2 config as many CS:GO commands and binds will not work in Counter Strike 2.

Here is nice video how to make autoexec file CS2 – Creating Your Config